I’m aboard yet another SouthWest flight, this time, leaving Little Rock, heading to New Orleans. I scrambled to get my stuff packed up. All the sudden, my 2 week fishing adventure/holidays 2015/ New Year 2016 trip is over. The first week I was here, the fish and the fishing was feeling right. Then, we got hit with Winter Storm Goliath. That sorta wrecked the second half of my trip.
Final tally – 1 bite (Huddleston), 3 BIG followers (1 Huddleton and 2 on the Slide Swimmer). No catches. Yay. At least I got to feel the burn of sore wrists and forearms from lobbing the bigbaits around.

Pole Cat –
I’ve been messing with better ways to shoot video. GoPro cameras are awesome, but I find them a little challenging to get good footage with, when it comes to filming your day of fishing. I use the heck out of my GoPros for underwater footage. They rock for that. I’m trying to get away from a camcorder style camera in the back of the boat on a tripod. The GoPro tends to excel at up close, in your face type action. I don’t particularly care for footage that is shot from a head or chest mounted camera. You miss a lot of what is going on.

I ended up with a 10′ piece of 1/2″ conduit, purchased for $2.50 at Lowes. It miraculously fit perfectly in the seat mount/pedestal mounts in my little Tracker Grizzly aluminum river rig. I have some refining to do, but the POV (point of view) and accessibility of the camera while fishing was great.