I’m back at it. I have my life organized and want to get out from a bunch of 8″ Rainbow Trout Hudds that have been rigged with our Southern Trout Eaters Rig. These are brand new, and they are rigged w premium Owner Hardware. I’m offering these for $30 each now, but may have to raise them to $35 once I blow thru what I currently have in each ROF. These are ‘legacy’ Hudds, new in package, well stored, and they need a new home. I have plenty for my personal arsenal and simply don’t need these. Besides, people request this stuff from me regularly enough, I think it might help me get my butt in gear. I have this 2nd DVD project that is on my mind all the time, and I have a sweet Champion boat again, and I’m looking at saltwater boats…I need space for more stuff, and I’m hoping some folks find value in a $30 rigged Hudds, when that’s what an un-rigged one costs. Might help a guy who has never thrown one get into a Huddleston, especially the ROF 0 (aka the Zero). Did I say that out loud? You need to be throwing the Zero with the STE Rig boys and girls!!! It’s a great slow roller, for the slowest of slow uphill creepy slow grinds, and its the best torpedo waker of the family. Just saying. $4.95 Shipping to the Lower 48, regardless of quantity.
Southern Trout Eaters Pre-Rigged Huddleston Deluxe 8″ Rainbow Trout
-Owner ST-66 Stinger Treble Hooks, Masked White
-Owner Hyper Wire Split Rings
-Southern Trout Eaters harness/rigging
-Red Gill Modification
**The ROF 5s do NOT Have a Top Hook, nor do the ROF 0s**
[nicepaypal type=”cart” name=”Southern Trout Eaters Pre-Rigged 8 Inch Huddleston Deluxe Rainbow Trout” amount=”29.95″ option1=”drop;ROF;Select Which ROF;ROF 0;ROF 12;ROF 16″ quantity=”field;Number of Baits;1;2″]
UnRigged/ Stock Huddleston Deluxe 8″ Rainbow Trout ROF 16 Top Hook
Brand New/Never Fished: $27.95
[nicepaypal type=”cart” name=”Southern Trout Eaters Sale 8 Inch Unrigged Huddleston Deluxe Rainbow Trout” amount=”27.95″ option1=”drop;ROF;Select Which ROF;ROF 16″ quantity=”field;Number of Baits;1;2″]