Lucky Craft CIF Flash Minnow 190

My buddy Chris Lillis, showed me the Lucky Craft CIF Flash Minnow 190 a while back. It didn’t click until recently how deadly these things are. I am thinking the freshwater guys need to explore these. Think herring eaters. Think smelt eaters. Think how well long slender baits get bit.

This is a beautiful bait from Lucky Craft. These companies in the fishing world are so interesting. The people, the connections to the angling community, the baits, the progression, etc. I love to see ‘saltwater grade stuff’ made for bass fishing. Crankbaits and jerkbaits ARE good calico baits, and there is a lot I want to try. Chatter crickets, robust square bills, etc.

This is NOT A JERKBAIT. It is more of a crankbait / glide / stall bait. You burn it, pause it. You bump bump bump at 6 and 12 and it dances a couple feet side to side up and down. They love it when you pause it. It sinks. It does NOT wear you out, physically to fish. It’s intimidating. Your wrists start hurting just looking at it!Jerkbaits are the shiz. Let’s be real. Jerkbaits are one of the catchiest ways to fish. Although this is not a jerkbait, it has the same profile. Except it’s 7.5″ long and weighs 2.25 oz.
- You can cast a mile.
- It has Owner ST-66 Trebles, stock
- Killer Colors
- You catch jerkbait fish. Check this thing out. It’s similar but fishes differently. You can reel reel reel pause instead of jerk jerk jerk pause.
- It is long and skinny (bass have proven this profile = good )
- 7.5″ and slender is a ‘sweet spot’ I will have to explain later, but it’s a real good balance of bulk and slender. Fusion of bigbait and conventional small bait tool.
- Think windy high spots on lakes with blue back herring.
- That one spot, beyond the buoy line, or to some off limits area, where you need the absolute longest cast of your life to be a hero. Try this.
- Windy points.
- Windy rip rap
- Over grass
- Over rock
- Not sure about wood? Might be sticky.
- Wherever you have big baitfish and big fish to target, but don’t have a good consistent hardbait to throw? Try this.
I’m 100% sure I bought my Lucky Craft CIF Flash Minnow 190 from Tackle Warehouse. They aren’t stocking that size, for some unknown reason, although it’s still listed on the product description. Check out the 110s in stock, though. The colors are killer. You can use Google, I’m sure.